Self-Supervised Point Cloud Completion via Inpainting

Himangi Mittal Brian Okorn Arpit Jangid David Held
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

[Paper] [Arxiv Paper] [Video]
We adopt an inpainting-based approach for self-supervised point cloud completion to train our network using only partial point clouds. Given a partial point cloud as input, we randomly remove regions from it and train the network to complete these regions using the input as the pseudo-ground truth. The loss is only applied to the regions which have points in the observed input partial point cloud (red). Since, the network cannot differentiate between synthetic and natural occlusions, the network predicts a complete point cloud.

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When navigating in urban environments, many of the objects that need to be tracked and avoided are heavily occluded. Planning and tracking using these partial scans can be challenging. The aim of this work is to learn to complete these partial point clouds, giving us a full understanding of the object's geometry using only partial observations. Previous methods achieve this with the help of complete, ground-truth annotations of the target objects, which are available only for simulated datasets. However, such ground truth is unavailable for real-world LiDAR data. In this work, we present a self-supervised point cloud completion algorithm, PointPnCNet, which is trained only on partial scans without assuming access to complete, ground-truth annotations. Our method achieves this via inpainting. We remove a portion of the input data and train the network to complete the missing region. As it is difficult to determine which regions were occluded in the initial cloud and which were synthetically removed, our network learns to complete the full cloud, including the missing regions in the initial partial cloud. We show that our method outperforms previous unsupervised and weakly-supervised methods on both the synthetic dataset, ShapeNet, and real-world LiDAR dataset, Semantic KITTI.

Problem Definition

The point cloud completion problem can be defined as follows: given an incomplete set of sparse 3D points X, sampled from a partial view of an underlying dense object geometry G, the goal is to predict a new set of points Y , which mimics a uniform sampling of G.

Self-Supervised Inpainting

In our self-supervised inpainting-based approach to learn to complete full point clouds using only partial point clouds, we randomly remove regions of points from a given partial point cloud and train the network to inpaint these synthetically removed regions. The original partial point cloud is then used as a pseudo-ground truth to supervise the completion. The network leverages the information of available regions across samples and embeds each region separately that can generalize across partially occluded samples with different missing regions. Further, due to the stochastic nature of region removal, the network cannot easily differentiate between the synthetic and original occlusions of the input partial point cloud, making the network learn to complete the point cloud.

Network Architecture

PointPnCNet Architecture: Our method first estimates a canonicalized orientation of a partial point cloud, which has some regions missing due to natural occlusions. We then randomly drop one or more of the regions to create additional synthetic occlusions. We compute global features eg and local features P` which we combine into an encoding P. Our multi-level decoder uses the encoding P to generate a completed point cloud. The global shape loss and local shape loss are only applied to the regions of the output where points are present in the original cloud (before synthetic occlusions) which are shown in red in X, Yg, and Y`. The blue points in Yg and Y` are not present in the original cloud, so we have no ground truth about their positions; thus they are not penalized in the loss. The final output of the network is the concatenation of the outputs from Yg and Y`.

Multi-Level Encoder : Our encoder consists of multiple, parallel encoder streams that encode the input partial point cloud at global and local levels. The global-level encoder operates on the full-scope of the object while a local-level encoder focuses on a particular region of the object. Since a local encoder only sees points in a given local region and is invariant to other parts of the shape which may be missing, local encoders make the network robust to occlusions by focusing on individual object parts separately. Global encoder further enhances shape consistency by focusing on regions jointly with each other.

Multi-Level Decoder: Our decoder consists of multiple decoder streams that work in parallel to decode the fused embedding P. The multi-level output generated by the network captures the details of the object at global and local levels.


The standard loss used for comparing two point clouds is the Chamfer Distance (CD). It is a bi-directional permutation invariant loss over two point clouds representing the nearest neighbor distance between each point and its closest point in the other cloud.

Inpainting-Global Loss
This loss acts as a global shape loss, focusing on the over- all shape of an object.

Inpainting-Local Loss
While Inpainting- Global loss considers the entire input point cloud to find the nearest neighbor, Inpainting-Local loss differs in that it only considers the partitioned regions to find the nearest neighbor. Thus, it acts as a local shape loss that enables the network to learn region-specific shapes and embeddings and focus on the finer details of an object.

Multi-View Consistency
Our method uses multi-view consis- tency as an auxiliary loss


Datasets Used : ShapeNet and Semantic KITTI

Evaluation Metric : Chamfer Distance (CD), Precision, Coverage

Qualitative results

examples of different attributes
Qualitative results on the ShapeNet dataset compared with our baseline, DPC. Our method is better able to reconstruct fine-grained object details (back portion of the carand engines on the airplane), produces fewer noisy points for the airplane and produces moreuniformly distributed points in the chairs than the baseline.

examples of different scales
Qualitative results for ablation study on ShapeNet and KITTI. Without inpainting,local loss, global loss, and multi-view loss, the network yields noisy output.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1849154, and the CMU Argo AI Center for Autonomous Vehicle Research.